Welcome friends and family, hopefully this will keep you in the loop.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Early Christmas

Vanessa came out to visit, and have an early Chistmas. We ate good food, made gingerbread men, and gave the boys a short hair cut.


We were privileged to go to confrence again this year. We got to spend it hanging out in the Banff springs, sleeping in a King sized bed, eating amazing buffet, and laughing with our best friends...our siblings.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Sammy is still sleeping...


Nana and Papa came out and spent Halloween with us, then watched the kids while we went to conference in Banff.

Visit with the Holts...

Blake, Paula and the kids came out for a visit, we all had a great time!!

more summer fun...

Camping with the Morey's

We enjoyed a fun 2 day camp with our good friends. Next years plan is to go longer and in warmer weather :)

Camping with the Morey's

We managed to fit in one camping trip. Next years will be longer, and in warmer weather :)

catching up...

A fun summer filled with Eli's 5th birthday and a trip to Dinotown and playland.